Time to Kickstart My Book!

So, “How’s that book coming along?” you might wonder. Well, it’s almost finished! I’m done writing it and now working through final, detailed editing. April was really great for writing and editing. I’m so much better at editing on actual paper—there’s something about being able to physically cross out errors or draw arrows to move paragraphs around that makes my process go much smoother than on a computer. So, when I realized that, the book took off! Hallelujah because it’s been an arduous process.

I’ve told a lot of people about my book and how I’m going about publishing it, but here’s a little more info. Basically, very few companies will publish first-time authors. Now, if you’re like me, you think, “Hmmm, so how does someone ever get published?” and that’s a good question…and one I haven’t mastered yet. But, I’m hoping to work with WestBow Press, which is the independent division of Thomas Nelson. The only issue is that they need money up front, and for those who know me well, I’m broke. Teaching high school in Hawaii didn’t exactly allow my savings account to build up.

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Finishing Strong

Here’s the truth that’s bombarded me lately: I suck at long-term goals.

I’m really good at setting goals three months at a time. I set new goals each year from January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December. That’s manageable for me, and I like charting progress over time, but only a short period of time.

Long-term goals, on the other hand, are my nemesis. I start out really well and full of energy, and then, somewhere in the middle, I lose sight of my purpose, get discouraged, and want to bail out. I’ve always known this about myself, but somehow I’m still surprised amidst long-term goal situations when I start muddling through. I have a bracelet that says, “Finish Strong,” and that became my motto one summer during college. I know I need to finish strong, I tell myself to finish strong, and yet, the act of finishing strong isn’t exactly made easier by either of those.

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A Thrill of Hope in a Season of Humiliation

I realize it’s been a ridiculous amount of time since I last posted. I could blame it on the fact that I’m in the process of writing a book while also working three part-time jobs, or I could just call it what it is: avoidance.

Confession over. Now onto bigger and better things.

I’ve been feeling lately like I’ve been in a season of humiliation. Before I go much further, let me clear up what “humiliation” means. The dictionary definition is: “the act of humbling someone, being reduced to lowliness or submission,” and it adds that “humility can be self-sought, but humiliation involves something [or someone] else.”

Okay, so what does that mean? Though we often use it to mean “embarrassment” or, in my shameful case “things that are comical for me to see and laugh at,” the word humiliation is more about being reduced to lowliness or being humbled. And, it involves either some other force or person in the process.

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It’s been a while…

(though that might have been obvious if you looked at the date of my last post)

Maybe you’re wondering WHY it’s been so long. I could give you a few reasons such as I’ve been teaching high school English, I’ve been living in Hawaii, the sun and sand bleached my brain, I’ve been working on some things, etc. All of those reasons are legitimate.

However, the real reason I’ve been radio-silent is that I haven’t known where to go from my previous posts. At about the year-mark post-chemo, I felt like to continue blogging was a good idea, but since all of my previous posts had been about my lymphoma (I did, after all, start the blog for that purpose), when I was healthy and not a lot was new or out of the ordinary on the cancer-front, I simply didn’t know what to write about.

To write about my everyday life seemed a little self-important and mundane (though it’s been a great adventure for me), and to continue writing about my lymphoma when there wasn’t much news about it seemed like I was either milking it or trying too hard to make it fit.

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“Be exalted, O Lord, in Your strength; we will sing and praise Your might.” ~Psalm 21:13

(Written on Friday, 5/14):
Today is a day of celebration. Why, you may ask? Well, today is exactly one year from my last chemo treatment!!! That, my friends, is definitely a cause for celebration.

I’m kinda liking that May 14th is one week from my birthday because I think I’m going to annually give myself a reason to celebrate one week early, which will, of course, carry out through the following week, so it’ll be like one big week of celebration, basically. 🙂 Anyway, as I think back to one year ago, I first cannot believe it’s already been a year, and second think that at the same time, it feels like that was in another lifetime. Weird how that happens, isn’t it??

I guess I really don’t have that much to update other than the fact that today is such a day of praise, but I have been learning some things lately that I’d like to share.

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“I will praise You, O Lord, with all my heart, I will tell of all Your wonders.” ~Psalm 9:1

Happy April!!! I can’t believe we are already 1/3 through April of 2010—that’s SO crazy!

Whew! The month of March has come and gone, and I feel like it FLEW by! Here’s what happened and why it moved so quickly: My mom and sister came the first week of March. We had such a blast. We survived The Tsunami (which never really hit…so it essentially killed our sunny Saturday but made for a great story as we evacuated up to a lookout high above Honolulu…and I have a t-shirt that says “I survived the tsunami”…AWESOME). Also, we found the Pirates of the Caribbean ship, The Black Pearl, which is here on Oahu for refurbishing as they turn it into new ship for the 4th movie which is filming on Oahu and Kauai this summer. Long story short, we met the guy in charge of the project–who happened to build the Black Pearl in the first place–and after some shameless begging, he gave Madelyn and I each pieces of the Black Pearl. I got this heavy metal welding something, and Madelyn got a 2 foot long plank from the side of the ship. Below is a picture of my mom, Madelyn, and I on our Pirates adventure.

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“Oh Lord my God, I called to You for help and you healed me.” ~Psalm 30:2.

Today is another landmark day or anniversary. It has officially been a year. “Since what?” you might ask. Since I got the WONDERFUL call from my Nurse Practitioner that I was in REMISSION. PTL! How time flies! I can’t believe I’ve been in remission for a year! 2009 has come and gone. I can’t believe it’s coming upon a year anniversary of having graduated…time is just moving right along, and I’m not sure how I feel about that. As Ferris said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop to look around once in a while, you might miss it.” Profound words from a slightly less profound source.

I realize that it’s been a while. Jumping back into things in January is always crazy, as you surely understand. I’ve been thinking of blogging for a while, but I hope I’m not so narcissistic that I think I should post because everyone is waiting on that. While I find that blogging has been incredibly therapeutic for processing, for some reason it seems hard to justify blogging when I don’t have a ton of Hodgkin’s related info to convey since I don’t want to be self-important and think my voice needs to be another one to add into the mix of this day and age where everyone can be a “writer” by their own standards. But, that’s another topic…one that I get hung-up on as a former English major and current English teacher.

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“You turned my wailing into dancing…that my heart may sing to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.” -Psalm 30:11-12

Wow. One year ago on this date, it was the day before Thanksgiving, and I was shopping at Northpark Mall in Dallas, TX with my friend Caroline. I got a call from Dr. Santi back in Wheaton who explained that my biopsy from that Monday came back positive, meaning that I had cancer. As he proceeded to explain my diagnosis of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I looked around for something to write on, but all I came up with was my shopping bag, so I wrote down all the information on that Nordstrom bag. WHAT A BIZARRE day! What a bizarre time and place to get such a diagnosis, and what a bizarre year that followed!

As I think back to last Thanksgiving, there were so many uncertainties. I was just reading over my very first blog from this day last year, and so much came back to me–needing to find a doctor, figuring out all the scheduling, all of the tests, what chemo even MEANT–so many uncertainties! Needless to say, this has been a November of reminiscing.

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“He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God.” –Psalm 40:2b-3a

That verse is pretty poignant: in the last year, God definitely brought me through the fire, picked me out of the metaphorical pit, and placed me on solid ground, giving me a new song of praise to sing to Him!

I realize it has (once again) been a LONG while since I last updated, and I’m going to try to fix that bad habit in the future. BUT, I wanted to make sure and blog tonight since today is such a poignant day in the history of Hannah McGinnis. Why, you may ask?

One year ago on a beautiful Friday morning in Wheaton, IL, I went to the Wheaton College Health Center to get my flu shot. Once again, God’s timing was SUCH a blessing: I waited until Friday to get the flu shot because (lamely) I wanted to wait until volleyball season was over. In my mind, I’d just jumped back into the game with two weeks left of my season, and since my knee was still in killer pain, I didn’t want to add a sore arm from a flu shot into that mix. Again, what a BLESSING that, though lame that I didn’t want a little shot to interfere with my hitting (because really, what are the chances that would hinder me from wanting to hit the ball?!?), GOD’S timing in that was PERFECT because my waiting allowed me to close the chapter of playing volleyball before opening the next chapter (of which I was completely unaware when I woke up that Friday, November 7th).

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“But I trust in Your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in Your salvation. I will sing to the LORD, for He has been good to me.” –Psalm 13:5-6

Wow. Once again, it’s been WAY too long. I’ve been meaning to update for a few weeks now, but things have been crazy, and time is FLYING. Literally. Ok, not literally, but it’s gone by quickly.

Friday concluded our fifth week of school at Hawaii Baptist Academy (see what I mean about time flying?!?). We are now only 3 weeks away from Fall Break, which means 3 weeks until I get to see my family and friends back on the mainland. Don’t get me wrong–things in Hawaii have been awesome, but it’s definitely far from those I love and miss (but more on that later).

SO, what HAS been going on over the past 5 or so weeks since I last posted? Continue reading